Python download to googld drive file

Relevant Projects. German Credit Dataset Analysis to Classify Loan Applications In this data science project, you will work with German credit dataset using classification techniques like Decision Tree, Neural Networks etc to classify loan applications using R. View Project Details. In this ensemble machine learning project, we will predict what kind of claims an insurance company will get.

This is implemented in python using ensemble machine learning algorithms. Image Processing Project -Train a model for colorization to make grayscale images colorful using convolutional autoencoders. Here is the table of contents:.

To get started, let's install the required libraries for this tutorial:. A new window will pop up, choose your type of application, I'm gonna stick with "Desktop app", then hit the "Create" button.

After that, you'll see another window appear saying you're all set:. Download your credentials by clicking the "Download Client Configuration" button and then hit "Done".

Finally, you need to put credentials. Before we do anything, we need to authenticate our code to our Google account, the below function does that:.

We've imported the necessary modules, the above function was grabbed from Google Drive quickstart page. It basically looks for token. Going to the main function, let's define a function that lists files in our drive:. So we used service. Since results are now a list of dictionaries, it isn't that readable, we pass items to this function in order to print them in human-readable format:.

Hey I know it's a bit late to answer, but it might still be helpful to someone. Jacopo Stringara Jacopo Stringara 1. This is not the right answer if you consider the error message they got. Anyways, the program would have raised an error later on beacuse of the mimetype. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Podcast Who is building clouds for the independent developer?

Exploding turkeys and how not to thaw your frozen bird: Top turkey questions Like Article. Define the scopes.

Variable self. If no valid token found. The file token. It is. Read the token from the file and. If no valid credentials are available,. If token is expired, it will be refreshed,. Save the access token in token. Connect to the API service. Initialise a downloader object to download the file. Download the data in chunks. Write the received data to the file. Return True if file Downloaded successfully. Return False if something went wrong.


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