Download file playready drm
Any errors are not billed. Individual smooth streaming. If a smooth streaming content goes through PlayReady encryption, each. We can choose an. For playback testing, we used a Universal Windows Application on Windows Learn More. Enhanced Content Protection in PlayReady 4. Find a PlayReady partner and licensed content protection expert that will help you deliver and protect your premium content. X Content PlayReady 4. PlayReady Hardware DRM As the industry moves beyond HD, introducing full p, UHD, 4K and higher resolutions, as well as early window content, Microsoft evolved its hardware based DRM to address content owners' requirements, and released a new version of the PlayReady product suite as well as a new governance model to address these challenges.
Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. Is this page helpful? Please rate your experience Yes No. Any additional feedback? Note The allowed values for output protection levels that can be set by a licensing server are governed by the PlayReady Compliance Rules. Note When using an adapter dongle such as "Mini DisplayPort to VGA" for playback, Windows 10 sees the output as digital video output, and can't enforce analog video policies.
Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. In this article. Adaptive streaming with PlayReady. This error code only occurs when running under hardware DRM. The license's Output Protection Policy requires the monitor to engage HDCP or to reduce the content's effective resolution, but HDCP was unable to be engaged and the content's effective resolution could not be reduced because hardware DRM does not support reducing the content's resolution.
Under software DRM, the content plays. The graphics driver does not support Output Protection. For example, the monitor is connected through VGA or an appropriate graphics driver for the digital output is not installed. In the latter case, the typical driver that is installed is the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter and installing an appropriate graphics driver will resolve the issue.
If HDCP fails to engage, the PC will constrain the effective resolution to , pixels per frame and pass the content. Windows 10 never passes compressed digital video content to outputs, regardless of the subsequent OPL value. For more information about compressed digital video content, see the Compliance Rules for PlayReady Products. Passes content when HDCP 2.