George bridgman heads features and faces pdf download
Want to Read Currently Reading Read. The drawings are simple The bending, twisting,and turning, creasing and interlocking of the various parts of the body are represented in drawing as the wedging of masses in specific ways that are clearly defined by Mr.
See all free Conetructive reading apps. Want to Read saving…. No trivia or quizzes yet. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Fohgetdatshit rated it liked it Mar 27, My only gripe is — I bought the Kindle version first, and it was full bridgkan wonky characters and misaligned formatting. Track your recent orders Use Your Account to view or change anafomy orders. How to start an art blog Learn how you can build a following and reach more people with an art blog.
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Contraportada Certainly one of the most difficult, often neglected areas of art study is the correct rendering of heads, features, and faces. This volume, prepared by an expert in the field, is devoted exclusively to just that. With its clear, concise text, its almost excellent illustrations, and its overall life-drawing approach, the book provides valuable guidelines on how best to portray faces, features, and heads.
There is probably no better instructor to turn to than George B. He brings to the subject both his expertise as an artist and his fifty years' experience as lecturer and teacher at the Art Students League of New York. Throughout the book, he places as much emphasis on perspective and planes as on anatomy.
Packed to the gills with page after page of Mr. Bridgman's instructive anatomical sketches of hands, this book offers astounding insights into the depth and variety of expression lurking within the human hand.
Among the more frustrating aspects of the body to capture, hands are nevertheless of the utmost importance when drawing or painting a human figure. As Bridgman points out, the human hand has a tremendous capacity for expression, and the attentive artist takes advantage of this potential to imbue their work with detail and meaning.
After all, we can tell a lot about a person from their hands: everything from a subject's age and gender, to their psychological and emotional states, and even occupation. The broad, calloused fingers of the mechanic are seldom mistaken for the soft delicate knuckles of the concert violinist. Why are that girl's fingernails bitten and ragged?
Perhaps she is anxious. Knuckles, cuticles, hair, scars, nails, rings, polish callouses, dirt, the list of potential details goes on and on. With carefully-selected illustrations that clearly identify the regions of the hand in a variety of positions, The Book of a Hundred Hands is the perfect workbook and reference for any artist, beginning or experienced.
Whether you read it as a textbook or pull it from your shelf for inspiration when you're stumped on a particular hand-rendering problem, this book is a worthy addition to any artist's library.
The skills it contains are sure to elevate your human figures to new levels of expression and detail.