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In short, the semi-periphery is a provocative environment from which to study both the dynamics of closer global integration 5 and resistance to globalism. Why bother to translate at all, if both the periphery and the semi-periphery usually speak the language of the centre?
And how do we create a context for new knowledge and let a context be created by it? If translation, as Benjamin intends it, is closer to theory of literature or criticism, by making a text final, definitive, the translation of translation would be a further ironical in the the sense of Romantic irony he employs7 step toward endlessness. Benjamin said it could not be done — one cannot translate translation. But if we do it, if we de- canonize the canonized, undo what has been done as definitive, are we not creating the only possible theoretical act?
Globalization, ISSN: This theoretically illustrative conflict seems to be simply disregarded by this violation of the limits of an original. But this case tells us also, both literally and metaphorically, that a translation can never be the only one.
On the semi-periphery, I see our figure of translator at the middle point between growing and grown contextual knowledge and the knowledge offered from the core, most often in the form of the special terminology that should be superimposed on the stories from local real life or literature and art. If globalization means reconstructing the Tower of Babel with difference-proof material, do we take part in the process by trying to move away from our semi-peripheral position and closer to the core?
Dalloway and in the next year she also translated a selection of Woolf's essays from the Common Reader. At the very end of the decade, M. These were Serbian translations, but Serbian readers were then part of a wider geopolitical wholeness — the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, a socialist country whose official politics countered bourgeois values.
When considering the translations of the poetical and theoretical works of the time, we will see that the Leon Edel's book The Modern Psychological Novel was translated in ; Monique Natan's biobibliographical book on V. Woolf in , and at the end of the period in Zagreb the capitol of Croatia, then also part of Yugoslavia David Lodge's book appeared.
Woolf — she was presented as a kind of lesser Joyce. Lodge was, however, much more interested in the peculiarities of her writing and in her movement from the metonymical towards the metaphorical, together with Joyce and other writers. In The Waves, he said, the borders of an individual character are dissolved, in mystical impersonality rather than in mythic polisemy, which was the case with Finnegan's Wake.
This poetical and theoretical context thus supplies the public body of Woolf's works in Serbia. In the political context, however, her seemingly neutral appearance was recognized and transposed, not as aesthetically fruitful, but into another story.
Thus, the moral of this story is that a seemingly neutral period may prove, on the contrary, to be quite political - that is, every translation is a political act, possibly, and most probably, subversive, but the political is, unfortunately, in no way necessarily poetical.
A story from the very center of the world. The third story only distantly relates to Virginia Woolf. Their love affair was discovered, and Julian left China for Spain, where he was killed in the war in July of This international gossip recently came to the attention of a wider international audience when Hong Ying published her fictional, but also factual, version of the love story. It is interesting that this story is based on absences — Julian Bell arrived in China when one of the founders of the Chinese Bloomsbury, the charismatic Xu Zhimo, was already dead; Ling Shuhua and Vanessa Bell began corresponding after Julian was killed in the Spanish Civil War; Virginia Woolf and Ling Shuhua also exchanged letters but never met, because the latter came to Britain in and Virginia Woolf commited suicide in These omissions, inevitable absences and delays, are clearly forces which distort the traces of this story.
To Britain, imperial power which really was the center of its Commonwealth? Or to China, whose name is Zhong Guo — the central country?
In another words, who represented the center — Julian or Shuhua? This seems to be the knot where the issues of colonialism, gender and language meet. Travelling far away, crossing borders, he was carrying his Bloomsbury ideal along, as a measurement of other s. This sounds completely in agreement with recent theoretical opinions according to which fluent translations are unethical, because they deny the Other. In such views, they seem ethnocentric and encourage cultural imperialism. Some scholars argue that it would be more ethical to translate in a foreignizing way, not in a domesticating one.
Foreignizing translations are not fluent, they do not sound entirely natural, and that would be the point in this shift. Why deny her, our translator, the ability to speak as she wishes, to use a language as a mask of perfection, if she can?
Is not insistence on difference a kind of cultural pressure just as is insistence on sameness? Ling Shuhua belonged to a time and place which was marked by border- crossing. And, to mention the inevitable fact, A Room of One's Own had already been translated in Chinese in Translating together, Julian and Shuhua were actually engaged in a complex relation. She turns her own Chinese into English — a quite comprehensible very grammatical language. The result is to me very exciting: I hope it is to other people.
It is hard to say whether the product is exciting or not, because now one cannot distance oneself from the very context of this translation process — an erotic love affair of which the translations are factually the only surviving proof. And the very process sounds rather appropriative, masculine and — futile. However — Ling Shuhua eventually translated not only her stories into English, she wrote her autobiography directly into the foreign language, and spent the other half of her long life in the very English language and country.